Six Spectrums of Pioneer Learning
Learning how to learn, unlearn, relearn... is an essential ingredient to any Pursuit of Happiness
When you learn how to learn... you learn how to do & know everything you ever wanted. This conditions you to LEAD yourself & others into the vast unknown... against all odds
Unlocking the Secrets of the Learning & Leadership Link
Long before the unlocking the secrets of the 6 Spectrums of Learning were unraveled... the learning basic's of training & education were examined in detail. It became obvious not a lot of people are aware of the obvious differences between these two learning titans. This is because the education system pulls the wool over training... for obvious reasons.
These are the tricks of the trade for pioneer learning... for those who are not afraid... to venture into the UNKNOWN. It shows the hat tricks of learning & leadership... and the performance hat trick of the action agents that link the two together. When it comes to all these learning pioneers... leadership is nothing more than a pass the hat trick.

Notice the major difference between the Education & Management System Link & the Learning & Leadership Link. The dug grading education & management systems have stupid & lazy, obedient Followers. The Learning & Leadership Link overflows with Pioneers... who are all skilled at "learning to learn" and venturing into the unknown. These talented & knowledgeable cowboys & cowgirls of learning... the fearless... the action agents... can pull off learning, performance & leadership hat tricks at the down of a hat. If a leader falters... a pioneer is always waiting in the wings to grab the leadership hat. The distinguishing factor of learning leaders... they are always in the game... right beside you... right in front of you... right behind you you covering your six.
President John F. Kennedy was going to give us all a speech... about his belief... that there's a definite learning & leadership link the day he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas... November 22, 1963. This incredible leader was a PT-109 war hero... unafraid to venture into the unknown. JFK will be forever known... as an All-American President... and a fearless learning & leadership Pioneer.
To learn more about how the learning & leadership link secrets came to light...
Click on the graphic below to download a free copy of this pdf book... The Last Lifeboat - Learn, unlearn, relearn... just in case our Titanic Education System hits an iceberg & sinks
Unlock the secret to learning & leadership... we give you this diploma as proof... we're telling you the truth
Click on the graphic below to download your very own Pioneer Learning Master's Decree - and tell your friends you got your Master's for free... at Happier U University