Six Spectrums of Pioneer Learning

Learning how to learn, unlearn, relearn... is an essential ingredient to any Pursuit of Happiness

When you learn how to learn... you learn how to do & know everything you ever wanted. This conditions you to LEAD yourself & others into the vast unknown... against all odds

Unlocks the secret to learning & leadership
Unlocks the secret to learning & leadership

Pioneer Learning... unlocks the secrets to learning

  • 1 Pioneering - Learning to Learn, Unlearn, Relearn is the goal of all learning that unlocks the gateway to fulfilling impossible dreams. It requires breaking away from education & training systems where management rules. Pioneering rules... because the only rules are... doing something better & knowing more today... than you did yesterday. It's that happy place where you find yourself on an open playing field doing & knowing whatever you want... footloose & fancy free. Managed Learning Systems are so pompous (full of themselves) they crown themselves learning royalty. Yet, these system managers neglect to pass along to their subjects... how to learn alone... so someday they can learn how to venture into the vast UNKNOWN... and create something out of nothing. This is why we selected Pioneering... a word we had to make up... that defines the essence of learning to learn, unlearn and relearn. We do so with the hope that those who learn how to feed their learning hunger... using the Six Spectrums of Learning... will be satisfied with learning fulfillment for the rest of their life. Pioneering is the most fulfilling... when it comes to learning..
  • 2 Training - Learning to Do • The reckless passion of learning... is driven by the desire to DO SOMETHING. Learning to do is enhancing performance everyday by working yourself to death... to get even the slightest bit better... doing something you love to death... ignited by a burning desire to be the best that you can be. Training is an exercise in experimentation... trying anything to give yourself an edge... to be at the top of your game. A country that embraces training over education is bound to DO great things. “Well done is better than well said.” Benjamin Franklin
  • 3 Visualization - Learning to Visualize • aka Dreaming Impossible Dream • Close your eyes & visualize...seeing is believing...see it...then be it. See it play out in your minds eye...where you feel just how cool as a cucumber you have to be as a prerequisite, knowing, it ain't real until your palms are sweaty shaking like a leaf, your knees are knocking and it's damn near impossible to stand up to the mind boggling distractions that make it hard to concentrate... you visualize the thousands of people rooting against you hoping you fail and you visualize how to tune them out and find your safe zone, your laser focused focal when your moment comes that will make or break close your eyes and let the calm wash over you like a bad ass cleansing...and you propel yourself to achieving your impossible dream like you've done a million times in your mind. Visualizing YOU IN ACTION pulling off a miracle and going all-in perfecting & practicing your ass off and going for it against all a lifetime better than any video game on the market that fools you into thinking you did something, without the stress & endurance required to get your lazy ass out of a chair and go outside, work like a madman to get where you always wanted to go and actually do something. (and it's like totally free dude)
  • 4 TS4i (Troubleshooting for innovation, improvement, ideas, integrity) - Learning to Troubleshoot • TS4i is learning Problem Solving Skills. No matter what endeavor you pursue… there will be problems that get in the way. TS4i teaches you how to solve problems, meet your needs, satisfy your wants and collect ideas from anywhere that will help you achieve your goals. Every problem you solve will be innovative. Every need you meet, or want you satisfy, will be an improvement. New ideas bring commitment to life. Maintaining your integrity will bring lasting joy knowing you refused to take shortcuts. Those who learn how to troubleshoot… see obstacles as a challenge… knowing the solution is hiding in plain sight. Learning how to have fun solving problems is living a life looking forward to solving puzzles that are keeping you from getting to where you dream of going.
  • 5 Scouting - Learning to Locate • Tracking down & finding essential learning requirements & resources all by yourself. What do I have to do & how well do I have to do it? What do I have to know & how do I show what I know? You become a unlimited learning search engine. What resources are available to enhance my performance & knowledge? Searching for things to help you do better & know more. Giggle while you Google...eating up this bubblicious learning spectrum... figuring out how to track down essential learning strudel.
  • 6 Education - Learning to $Know$ • Learning to know... at its core… feeds a hunger for knowledge. It’s about consuming information; knowing more to get better at what you want to do. Education is not about “systems” & it’s not about philosophical debates about what comes first: the chicken or the egg. This is what makes the philosophical debate about what comes first… Training (learning to do) or Education (learning to know) … so nonsensical. What makes sense… is KNOWING that pure, organic learning…feeds a learning hunger… & the Six Spectrums of Pioneer Learning provides a balanced diet. Pioneer Learning shows that Education & Training must work in tandem... otherwise education is nothing more than a game of Trivial Pursuit.

    Theoretically... our education system places all it’s bets… on the safest bet... spending years inside a settlement... learning to know.. before venturing outside... into the unknown... learning what to do. You must KNOW what you’re doing… before you get to do it. This SAFE & SECURE learning philosophy supposedly puts our entire nation on the highway to success. You are conditioned... in air conditioning... to never put your top down, go off-road or off-script, exceed the speed limit and not take chances. Philosophically, education increases the odds of NOT DOING or NOT SAYING something stupid... or so the "don't do anything until you know for sure” theory goes. But once you figure out the main objective of “education systems” ... is charging outrageous tolls & strictly enforcing the rules of the road... you quickly realize... this "system" is about making money & following orders.

    Pure education is nothing more than learning how to answer questions. The main objective of education... is the ability to answer a whole lot of questions. If you can answer this question... What is the definition of education?... you are hereby educated. That's education in a nutshell. Answer questions correctly and you are thereby educated. That is the objective of education… knowing the answer to questions.

    Organic education is homegrown & free. This is why the philosophical debate of what comes first... an education or student loans... insane in the membrane. Which is why we ask... are we buying knowledge because the questions & answers are a state secret or is the Wizard of Ed handing out diploma's to prove the scarecrows have a brain? Now that we know the objective of education is to answer questions... computers & smartphones... where we can phone a friend... or google for answers on demand is providing the most effective way to get a free long-term education... and teaches everybody to SHARE information. It's time for education to start publishing the questions and let students find the answers. Do that and we will be DOING more to further education... now that we KNOW the definition of education. Maybe it's time... the education system broke (with) precedence and got better educated... by answering this question...what's stopping this "education system" from evolving?

The Future of Learning

The key to TS4i troubleshooting... is when given a learning challenge... it means questioning & observing PROBLEMS... coming up with hypotheses... testing to prove or disprove those hypotheses... so in the end... if we do our due diligence... we discover innovative SOLUTIONS to an array of complex problems. Problem solving skills are a vital ingredient of learning how to learn.

The original challenges we were given was trying to figure out how cut the training time for Air Traffic Control technicians by six months... so they could get out of school and into the workplace faster... stop from having them to return to school every time a new piece of ATC electronics equipment was put into use...while at the same time maintaining the stringent requirement... that all technicians still had to learn to fix problems in any complex electronics systems given to them... in under 30 minutes. That's right. Find the problem & fix it in less than 30 minutes... or end up in Crash Crew putting out fires when a plane or helicopter crashes. Ironically, a hypothesis of ignorance was added to the mix. The strange-but-true hypothesis was... " people do not know the difference between training & education".

The six spectrums of learning was simply getting our ducks in a row... expanding learning wisdom by examining seemingly innocent problems to our overall challenge... to better our chances of finding innovative solutions. It was a learning exercise... not the solution to the original problem. The solution... came down to discovering the best, fastest long term way to train Air Traffic Control technicians and transform them into learning pioneers... was to hand them learning roadmaps before each class or exercise... that included the following:

  1. A list of everything the technician had to do... down to the last detail... how well they had to do it (acceptable time crunch like less than 30 minutes)… and under what conditions it had to be done (neither rain, sleet, snow, hail or dark of night were excuses for failure to deliver safe aviation travels)
  2. A list of every question (without answers) the technician had to find & fill in their own answers...  which was simply a list of things the technician had to know. Each group of questions were sequence linked to a TO-DO task they were required to perform. Which in short meant... they had to show that they know exactly what they were doing... and then go out and do it.

Classroom time was dramatically reduced. Time in the test lab increased. Performance was the indicator of learning. It was done by training & conditioning pioneers... to learn unlearn & relearn.

What made this repetitive exercise so effective... it puts the ownness of learning on the pioneers... and not the teachers or coaches. As it turns out... when a learning environment takes off everybody is familiar with the six spectrums of learning & how learning roadmaps set the guidelines to enhanced performance & knowledge. Everybody is a student & a player... everybody is a teacher & a coach... by asking & answering questions... and showing off to each other... what they can and can't do. Outside the classroom... sharing learning information and helping each other learn how WE can do it faster & better... is not cheating. It can't be cheating when everybody is learning together and everybody is at the top of their class.

Unlocking the Secrets of the Learning & Leadership Link

Long before the unlocking the secrets of the 6 Spectrums of Learning were unraveled... the learning basic's of training & education were examined in detail. It became obvious not a lot of people are aware of the obvious differences between these two learning titans. This is because the education system pulls the wool over training... for obvious reasons.

These are the tricks of the trade for pioneer learning... for those who are not afraid... to venture into the UNKNOWN. It shows the hat tricks of learning & leadership... and the performance hat trick of the action agents that link the two together. When it comes to all these learning pioneers... leadership is nothing more than a pass the hat trick.

Learning & Leadership Link

Notice the major difference between the Education & Management System Link & the Learning & Leadership Link. The dug grading education & management systems have stupid & lazy, obedient Followers. The Learning & Leadership Link overflows with Pioneers... who are all skilled at "learning to learn" and venturing into the unknown. These talented & knowledgeable cowboys & cowgirls of learning... the fearless... the action agents... can pull off learning, performance & leadership hat tricks at the down of a hat. If a leader falters... a pioneer is always waiting in the wings to grab the leadership hat. The distinguishing factor of learning leaders... they are always in the game... right beside you... right in front of you... right behind you you covering your six.

President John F. Kennedy was going to give us all a speech... about his belief... that there's a definite learning & leadership link the day he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas... November 22, 1963. This incredible leader was a PT-109 war hero... unafraid to venture into the unknown. JFK will be forever known... as an All-American President... and a fearless learning & leadership Pioneer.

To learn more about how the learning & leadership link secrets came to light...

Click on the graphic below to download a free copy of this pdf book... The Last Lifeboat - Learn, unlearn, relearn... just in case our Titanic Education System hits an iceberg & sinks

Unlock the secret to learning & leadership... we give you this diploma as proof... we're telling you the truth

Click on the graphic below to download your very own Pioneer Learning Master's Decree - and tell your friends you got your Master's for free... at Happier U University

Unlocking the secrets of the duh grading Education System to Management Systems Link

We'll never know where we have to go... if we don't acknowledge the CURRENT PROBLEM with the systems managing us right now

For Management Sake: There's a reason our duh grading school system goes all in with education. If the players, cheerleaders & students we're TRAINED to "learn how to learn, unlearn & relearn"... sideline management would be out of a job... and the management profit machine for our Titanic Education System would have to learn to sink or swim.

There's a reason we get so much enjoyment & pleasure out of making fun of management systems. Managers think highly of themselves... seeing themselves as brilliant education royalty from the old country… who have been crowned as Knights of the Round Table by their upper-class English Kings & Queens (check out those fancy gowns they wear at graduation). Their crowning achievement is spending years locked in an education castle serving as scribes doing exactly as their told... and this somehow gives them the right to manage the uneducated students, players & employees of the lower-class... who will serve beneath them therefore... and forever more. If we look at learning & business as a battlefield... students, players & employees are knee deep in the muck fighting for their lives with blood, sweat & tears... while management sits safe & sound in a secure bunker... drinking Pina Coladas & eating Filet Mignon... calling all the shots.

If one was versed in American History... as those United States Marines who have been born & breed in Tun Tavern since 1775... one might say... having management royalty commanding troops in battle while sitting safely on the sidelines... is exactly why the British got their asses kicked in the Revolutionary War.

I don't care who you are... dat dare is American history funny!

We're in the "unlocking secrets" business... & business is good. The following graphic unlocks the trade secrets of our education system feeding into the business management system. It shows the dug grading education management royalty pushing their manufactured product out... feeding the duh grading business management royalty selling the same-o same-o system to the voiceless players, cheerleaders & students... who are stuck in the middle of the two. These systems have less to do with learning or leadership... and more to do about sideline management royalty calling the shots.  In fact... a strong case can be made... that our Education System can be directly linked to the downfall of pioneer learning & frontline All-American leadership.

Management treats its lower-class performers like they’re stupid & lazy servants… obedient followers... and managers inactivity traps everyone in the KNOWN.

Duh Grading Education System to Management System Link

“A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him.”  Lao-Tzu

"The time when there is no one there to feel sorry for you or to cheer for you is when a player is made."  Tim Duncan

“I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.”  Kahlil Gibran

The... "You are either a Leader or a Follower" ultimatum... is a smoke screen managers use to cover up the fact... they don't have the fortitude to make it anywhere near the leadership ranks. Anybody who thinks the people who DO the work, Rally the troops & KNOW exactly what they're doing are "followers"... is a management zealot... a delusional mastermind in their own mind. Only an idiot... in the true spirit of this foolish word... would think for a moment the learning pioneers on all three fronts... training, pioneering & education... are stupid & lazy "followers"... who must obey the orders of sideline managers. Important managers need performers & pioneers... and are IMPOTENT... without them. Performers & Pioneers need leadership. Management somehow figured out a way... to ride on the backs of performance pioneers… and kill the concept of true American Leadership.

The ABC's of Happiness has just one measurement to determine who is a leader & who is a manager. Seeing is believing. If the person in charge is safe on the sidelines... they are a manager. If the person in charge is out in front of you, or right beside you in the performance arena... they are a leader. That's it. Debate is over & out. Leadership & management are as different as night & day. In fact... they are so far apart... management doesn't even make the grade... into the bottom of the barrel in the leadership ranks.

It ain't like the covert curriculum of the education system is a secret. Read the following fact-finding observation from futurist Alvin Toffler back in 1980...

Go forth yea pioneers... learn to learn & lead yourself & others into the vast unknown... so we can change the world together! Do it for yourself. Do it for Mankind.