"Happiness Counterattack Attacks" Emotional Intelligence Boot Camp - Phase 2
Happiness Secrets Revealed - feeling Mankind's... content & happy peace of mind 😎
Understanding & sharing happy & peaceful feelings experienced by mankind (excluding man unkind)

Let the Peace of Mind SEE-READ-HEAR-FEEL of ABC's of Happiness emotional boot camp phase 2 begin again. . Check your pulse. It's about to start racing. Let's dance!

Happiness Experience - Six Levels of Emotional Peace of Mind – Six Heart Pounding Attractions with Feelings of Excitement & Unified Mental Serenity
"Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly, & the dreams that you dream of, dreams really do come true." ~ Judy Garland
ABC's of Happiness Roadmap with Heart Pounding Musical Soundtrack

A bold & daring leap of liberation after escaping from Griefs Prison and the chase for Euphoria in pursuit of Happiness
Level 5 - 6 Stages of Mourning Memories
(A mourning sickness cure where you smoke a peace pipe with your grief and come to terms with your faith in something greater than yourself)
SEE - Here we get to see the undying state of having everlasting faith. It is a peaceful place where we lay down our arms and walk away from the frontline battle that rages between grief & happiness. A soothing state of the union rests between these two emotional warring factions in a tranquil "No Man's Land Sanctuary" called the 6 Stages of Mourning Memories. Cease fire, cease fire! It's a healthy mourning sickness. It is a conflict-free haven where the enemies of our state of mind care for their wounded and tend to those they lost in battle. It is the lullaby from the fighting that lays a troubled mind to rest.
Happier U University considers the 6 Stages of Mourning Memories as having a emotional mechanical breakdown. Think of it as greasing the gears of love-lost reflections that keep churning inside your head. This mechanical breakdown is an emotional breakthrough generated by memories OF, memories we HEAR, and memories that REMAIN forever. It emotionally moves into reflections where we SEE & FEEL those we lost or vanished, held firm by an unbreakable bond of echoes that remain. Those who experience this everlasting emotional connection know in their heart & soul they will see their lost loved ones again. That unconditional love is undying and never-ending.
How is this humanly possible to Hear-See-Feel someone who is no longer alive? Because it is more than a feeling. It is a touching belief. It is a love connection. It's a bond felt deep inside your soul. It generates a peaceful loving condition that lasts a lifetime. It is a feeling that brings us peace of mind. It is an emotional connection where we stop fighting the feelings and embrace them.

A Mechanical Breakdown that cures Mourning Sickness - Churn the solemn gears of reflection & smoke a peace pipe with your grief
READ - Examine these loving memories of loved ones that were lost. Through these lyrics you will get to experience the pain, as well as the comfort of knowing, those we have lost will never have to battle grief again. They are free. They have no more demons to fight. They lost the battle but win the war.
It truly is a reflection of the way we were. It's more than a feeling. Once you feel this connection burn into your soul is the moment you come to understand the "meaning of life". Meaning that the more you love unconditionally, the greater connections you have that will last forever in this life and the next. It is an undying belief that those who were lost are in a better place and you know in your heart you will see them again. This is a surefire belief that will warm your heart from now until death do us part.
"Memories, light the corners of my mind, misty water-colored memories, of the way we were." ~ Barbra Streisand
HEAR - Listen to the pain & comfort of Mourning Memories. Experience the empathy of those who feel deep into their soul: "I hear you; I feel you; and I know in my heart, I'll see you again."
FEEL - Feel the peace of mind that comes from having undying faith the moment you EXPERIENCE the heartfelt emotion that the soul lives on. Those we have lost provide us with a feeling of comfort that touches us to the point we believe that unconditional love lasts an eternity. This is not Ripley's Believe-it-or-not. It’s the essential ingredient for eliminating fear of the unknown. It is the ultimate feeling that puts being fearless in the Psalm of your hand and gives us everlasting peace of mind.
”Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil...”
Sooner or later... faith is all we have left to cling too... to keep from drowning in fear
Let's get something straight before the scientific mockery kicks into high gear proclaiming there is no proof an "imaginary father & his immaculate son" exists... when we know for a fact... we all find faith in something in the end. At first glance, common sense tells us those who lack faith have no trust or confidence in anyone or anything. In truth the science of faith boils down to having two choices. We find our faith in our father who does his artwork in heaven (a feeling) and we get a peaceful sense we never walk alone or we put all our faith into science (that's a fact) and comfortablly numb the senses. Common sense begs to question... why in the hell of grief can't we have faith in both? One faith is a non-profit that offers a cure for healing broken hearts for free. Faith in science profits off the pain of others by offering some 114 medications to numb the senses with high dollar treatments of the symptoms without ever offering a cure. Regardless of the facts, it makes more sense to have complete trust & confidence in a higher power long before you buy into science.
Now hear this! Happier U University is not selling any man-made religion. We're not asking anyone to buy into religion, we're sharing the emotions of having undying faith. Besides, sharing faith is a declaration documented in our “Freedom of Religion” or "Freedom from Religion" constitution, you get to choose. If anything, we placed all our bets on having faith in the human nature of “there are no atheists in a foxhole." A foxhole is a deep dark depression we dig ourselves into to try & protect ourselves from incoming emotional artillery that tears us apart. Having faith means you get to leave your foxhole wearing impenetrable Kevlar and move freely about the planet. Having undying faith is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that pays huge emotional dividends. Regardless, if you find your religion or not, all we're saying is at least have faith. See how it feels. If you are anything like us... it makes you feel… Fearless & Unafraid... Safe with a safety net... In love with love.
"Faith gives all of us a universal parachute. No matter how far we fall it guarantees a safe landing."
"Here's a fact if we're being wholly objective. It’s a loophole. Having undying faith plugs the holes of hate, uncertainty & fear in your soul and warms your heart. Common sense dictates if you have undying faith, it's impossible to be a Holey Roller. Therefore, the Holey’er Than Thou Holey Roller distinction is in fact, a designation held dear by those who do not have any faith at all. And that my friends are the cold-blooded facts… or a loophole… depends on how you feel."
"Have a little faith & you'll feel why it warms your heart the instant you feel the holes filling up with love, certainty & courage."
Level 4 - 6 Pack of Reckless Abandon
(instead of stages the 6 Pack of Reckless Abandon gives you 6 unique options to take the leap & escape your grief)
SEE - See all about it! The 6 Pack of Reckless Abandon offers 6 different parachutes that give you the best chance for a safe landing for those courageous enough to fearlessly take the leap into the vast unknown. Here are the parachute packs: 1) Leap of Faith 2) Leap of Karma (fate) 3) Leap of Luck 4) Leap of Chance 5) Leap of Hope 6) Leap of Defiance. Take your pick. Jump with one parachute or all six. You have to take the leap and venture into the unknown even when you have no idea where you are going to land. It doesn't matter where you escape too. What matters is you're freefalling to find freedom. Close your eyes & take the leap. You were suffering intense pain & have to get as far away as possible from the devastating memories of the once-in-lifetime love you lost. If you refuse, grief will suck you back into an endless depression & condemn you to a life sentence of pain in grief's unforgiving prison. See yourself taking the leap of your choosing in the graphic below that shows you how to escape grief.

A bold & daring leap of liberation from griefs entrapment
READ - Read all about it! Examine the lyrics to the 6 Pack of Reckless Abandon that lets our pioneers experience multiple-choice escape routes. Take a leap of faith. Take the leap and trust in your karma (fate). Take the leap and try your luck. Take a chance. Plan for the worst & hope for the best. If all else fails, take a of leap of freedom fighting defiance. Do whatever it takes to escape grief's prison without so much as a BY YOUR LEAVE. None of us can afford to ask permission to escape grief because grief marries you & never agrees to a divorce. For grief to stop singling you out... we gotta get... get while the gettin' is good... & leave griefs prison for good. Click on the lyrical graphic below to read how this escape plan was written. So it is written, so shall it be done.
"Billy left his home with a dollar in his pocket & a head full of dreams. He said somehow, someway, it's gotta get better than this."
~ Rod Stewart - Young Turks
HEAR - Hear all about it! Listen to our "let freedom ring" soundtrack for the 6 pack of Reckless Abandon. Pay close attention to the emotional differences between songs you listened to in the Grief Empathy Experience & the American Bandstand music of the Happiness Empathy experience. To qualify for the happiness soundtrack, lyrics needed to have a good beat and you can dance to them. Click on the taking the leap graphic below to hear the sounds of "let freedom ring." Free at last, free at last, thank God...
FEEL - Feel all about it! Experience freedom explode from your reckless behavior. It proves - anywhere is better than here. Take the leap without a care of where you land. The further you put grief in your rearview mirror and crank up the soundtrack that leads you to your great escape... the more time you'll get to start having, "Daydreams about night things in the middle of the afternoon."
Deciding what you want to do next will come naturally, as you abandon your troubled past and find yourself totally free. Think of yourself as a "rebel without a clue." Don't think twice it's alright. You only have to take the leap once. There's nothing left in the deep dark past you escaped. You're finally looking forward... knowing doing something, anything, is better than doing nothing.
Level 3 - 6 Pack of Taking Control
(Feel the power! It's now or never to fight fearlessly to live like you are dying & enjoy the show. Feel what is it like to learn to fly!)
SEE - The 6 Pack of Taking Control lets us experience a take-the-wheel wake-up call. It's a self-service, freedom proclamation. So many people and outside influences try to control our one-and-only-life. We cannot let this happen if happiness is our destiny.
"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” Carl Sandburg
Grief is the master of control. Grief gains control by spiraling your life out of control. Grief sole purpose in life is to CONTROL YOU. Where the 6 Pack of Reckless Abandon gave you an opportunity to experience what it feels like to leap free from grief... the 6 Pack of Taking Control is where you get fired up & fight the forces of control to be free. You take back control come hell or high water.

Ground Control to Major Tom - You're cleared to assume full control of your dark-side-of-the-moon spaceship & return to the land of the living
READ - Examine the lyrics to the 6 Pack of Taking Control that let our spaced-out pioneers experience a life changing wake up call. It's now or never. We have to fight for our happiness, even in the dark. We have to be fearless. We have to live like we are dying. We have to enjoy the show by tackling our own valuable vulnerabilities. We have to learn how to fly... which means we need to learn how to land on our own two feet. We have to be fearless pioneers and embrace venturing into the unknown.
"It's my life, it's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever, I just want to live while I'm alive" ~ Bon Jovi
HEAR - Listen to the "wake up call" music for the 6 Pack of Taking Control of your one-and-only life. Level 3 is a defining moment where you pronounce your Declaration of Independence from Grief and prepare to fight for your unalienable right to be free.
FEEL - Experience the freedom envelop as you experience assuming full control of your life, determining that no matter what comes next, you will take control & learn how to fly higher than you have ever flown before. You feel like flying free as a bird.
You are now ready to "Find New Meaning." You have escaped grief and taken back control of your life. You are FREE! Grief is a distance memory. You are ready, willing and able to dream an impossible dream (it does not matter how big or small and it doesn't matter what it is... only you can tell). It's high time you commit yourself to going after that dream as if it is your mission in life to capture that dream no matter where it takes you. Let the 5 Stages of Ex Nihilo Olympic size impossible dreams begin!
Level 2 & Level 1 = 5 Stages of Euphoria
(Chasing impossible dreams is the only way to extinguish grief nightmares in this two-part pursuit of happiness series)
SEE - The 5 Stages of Euphoria is where you get to visualize what it feels like to imagine, create, chase, capture, celebrate & satisfy an impossible dream come true. Level 2 (stages 1-3a) is the euphoric pursuit of your impossible dream. It's the rollercoaster of emotions of a thrilling uphill battle of chasing an impossible dream. Level 1 (stages 3-5) is celebrating the thrill of victory, even in defeat, where you experience another win over your grief. It's a celebratory downhill slide that leaves you feeling empowered, justified & overly satisfied. Unlike the other levels of emotions, this Grief Counterattack is a euphoric game changer. The 5 Stages of Euphoria is the extreme happiness ying to grief's depressing yang. The exact opposite peak of down-in-the-dumps emotions. It's the flip side of the emotional coin of life.
While Ex Nihilo works miracles to counterbalance grief, it can also be a kickoff point to chasing a new impossible dream when we are already happy & functioning normally. What better time to chase another impossible dream when you already feel good?
You exercise the 5 Stages of Ex Nihilo to stay in shape for the next battle against grief. You do it so you never have regrets. You do it to feel recklessly in love, passionate and totally free from grief. You do it to prove your devotion to happiness is unstoppable. You do it to feel the adrenalin rush once more. You do it because you have no fear of the unknown. To prove to yourself you're fearless. You do it because it's fun. You do it because you are in complete control of your destiny. You do it to feel better. You do it every chance you get... simply because you can. You do it because you know in your heart it will never fail to make you happy.

Climbing the steppingstones to Euphoria chasing, capturing, celebrating & satisfying an impossible dream come true with feelings you never dreamed possible in grief's prison
Impossible Dream Clarification - At Happier UU impossible dreams range from dreaming small, medium to larger than life. Let's say we always dreamed of seeing the Grand Canyon, but life got in the way, and we just couldn't make it happen. Let's say we always dreamed of losing 60 pounds, but nothing seemed to work. Let's pretend we dreamed of becoming an Astronaut. Our point is the size of the impossible dream does not matter. Set your sights on an impossible dream and chase it like there is no-tomorrow.
What you will discover is the journey can & will make you happy long before you capture that dream come true... because it is the difficult VISION QUEST that will bring you everlasting joy. And here is the cool thing about chasing impossible dreams. Maybe the only way to fulfill your smallest dream is to walk to the Grand Canyon and in the process, you manage to lose 60 pounds along the way and now you qualify for the space program. Or maybe your car breaks down in Flagstaff on your way to the Grand Canyon and you meet the love of your life, and you forget you ever wanted to see a giant hole in the ground. Or perhaps you meet someone at the gym who is struggling with weight just like you & you make a lifelong friend. Worst case scenario you fail to become an astronaut and end up flying a dual wing crop-duster over the green, green grass of home.
Our point it simple. Pick an impossible dream, any dream, and go for it like there is no-tomorrow. Keep your head up and pay close attention to the new surroundings you get to experience for the very first time. Embrace the feelings of endless possibilities. The miracle of chasing an impossible dream is no matter what the original goal, there is an excellent chance you will end up capturing a dream you could have never imagined. It is the journey that makes life worth living & capturing impossible dreams the dessert.
Reading & hearing all about Level 2 of the 5 Stages of Euphoria - Experiencing what Cloud Nine feelings like
READ LEVEL 2 - Examine the lyrics to the first 2 Stages and the 3a Impossible Dream Orbit of the 5 Stages of Euphoria that lets you read into what it's like to build Stage 1 - Renegade Confidence. Come face to face with your greatest fears & figure out a way to muster up the courage to chase your impossible dream, come hell or high water. (You just escaped your personal hell - so remember - "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.") You have nothing to fear but fear itself. Take baby steps & giant leaps. Make fear your friend & overcoming obstacles your favorite pastime. Feed your Stage 2 - Learning Hunger by embracing your Pioneer Learning spirit so nothing can stop you from doing or knowing what you want. See what it reads like to learn to learn without a teacher, coach, or anybody who sits on the sidelines telling you what to know or do. You learn how to know & do you. Read all about Stage 3a - Impossible Dream Orbit coming alive swirling around your dream come true so there is no escaping it. Feel the Reckless excitement, the Passion, the Love and Jai Ho (let victory prevail) of closing in on your dream. It's livin' la vida loca. It's wild. It's crazy. It's your destiny! It's where you discover the magical feelings of Euphoria!
HEAR LEVEL 2 - Listen to the adrenalin pumping sounds of racing to an impossible dream via destinations unknown. You will notice that some songs speak of freedom, passion & love for a person (man or woman). Use your empathy imagination & feel - not about having intimate relationships with a person, instead, image the songs express the undying love & passion you have for capturing your impossible dream. We double down on all impossible dreams which is why there are two songs for each stage of this reckless journey.
Reading & hearing all about Level 1 of the 5 Stages of Euphoria - Experience what Seventh Heaven feelings like
READ LEVEL 1 - Examine the lyrics to the final 3 Stages of Euphoria that lets read into the fantasy world of Stage 3 - Capturing your Impossible Dream! You win over depression even if you fail! You can't lose. Experience the attention deficit disorder (A.D.D.) euphoria of Stage 4 - Carefree Celebration with an inability to rest & a burning desire to celebrate all night long to extend this incredible feeling till the crack of the dawn of a new day. In the end, it's just a new beginning. Read what it's like to dive into Stage 5 - Empowered Satisfaction with the revolutionary power to the people that dives you to the end of the line, feeling mystified, gratified, satisfied & 100% justified.
HEAR LEVEL 1 - Listen to sounds of Victory! Once you capture an unimaginable dream, the thrill of victory has been achieved, soothingly slide back down to solid ground by celebrating your victory as if you won the lottery of life & ride that high, all the way to the end of the line. These memories will be forever yours until your dying day. Now that you captured your dream - you're ready, willing & able to venture "somewhere over the rainbow" into your 11 Stages of Happiness kingdom.
Feelings of Euphoria take happiness to a whole new level
FEEL - Experience the awesome power of Euphoria that follows chasing an impossible dream, capturing it (win or lose) , and the jubilant celebration & satisfaction felt across the entire journey. It is a thrilling ride that you will always remember. The power of empathy is to "feel as others." But what they don't tell you in empathy grammar school is you also get to relive and share these euphoric feelings with yourself at the drop of a hat. You get to reexperience not only the trials & tribulations... but you also get to close your eyes when you are old & gray... and recapture all these sensational emotions in the fountain of youth memories of sharing "feelings with your younger self." Eternally.
You can replay this euphoric soundtrack and it will transport you back to the exact moment of the incredible Rocky Mountain sunset you witnessed on your California dreaming drive across the land of the free. You will see, smell, hear, taste, touch & feel like you were transported back in time. Back to a time when you were fearless and free. That is the power of empathy in a single showcase. Euphoria is the ultimate feeling of happiness similar to winning a gold medal in the worldwide emotional Olympics.
Level 0 - 11 Stages of Happiness
(You've captured your impossible dream... now this is where you land happily ever after somewhere over the rainbow)
LOOK AT THE INTERCONNECTIONS BEFORE YOU SEE-READ-HEAR-FEEL - The 11 Stages of Happiness is where you get to experience what it feels like to land somewhere over the rainbow and live out your dream. A happy place whose foundation is constructed with a built-in grief security system to ward off evil spirits that are destined to invade your happy place. Some may ask, why would a Happier U University start its Empathy Experience by suffering through grief instead of diving right into our field of expertise which we rightfully claim is happiness? Why not leave grief to scientists & psychology EXPERTS who are paid handsomely for their philosophy, knowledge & wisdom? Objectively, it is a valid point... until you consider we are losing the war against grief & turning happy emotions back on is our last line of defense. For the life of us, we cannot think of any way we could have discovered the diamonds of happiness had we not figured out a way to dig out of the dark coalmines of griefs depression.
Here you get to see the only reason we dared to give that SOB Grief a first look. It's because, happiness is an achievement when we learn how to escape grief. Subjectively speaking of course. We only dissected grief to discover the release valves. Knowing the 5 grief escape hatches & the grief cure of helping people to reignite happy emotions allows us to ensure our everlasting happiness. Knowing the grief escape hatches holds the bottom line to happiness so we never fall victim to grief again.
When we hold a self-Reckoning it allows us to CHANGE. When we find Acceptance it allows us to LOVE again. When we practice Forgiveness it restores our FAITH and it allows us to trust & have confidence again. When we show Compassion (feel for others) it allows us to reignite PASSION within ourselves. When we unleash Repentance it allows us to begin again, LIVING again. When we know the Cure for all Grief is helping people to recharge happy emotions, helping people serves as a booster shot cure for grief's multiple infections. This is how ABC's of Happiness spells out being H-A-P-P-Y. The 11 Stages of Happiness shows us how to be happier, one positive spike at a time.

Landing safe & sound somewhere over the rainbow where you marry your happiness until-death-do-us-part & live out your wildest dreams come true
SEE - Visualize the oscillations of living in an emotionally constructed happy place where the highs make you feel incredible & the lows just make you feel good. There is no such thing as normal functioning in this happy state of mind. Please note 5 songs on this soundtrack are repeats of the 5 grief escape hatches that allow you to defend your happiness. You ward off evil spirits before they grab hold & drag you down into the pits of depression. There is no need for you to escape, if you never get captured by grief.

Construction plans for your Happiness Fortress that holds grief at bay & celebrates a content state of mind happy ever after
READ - Examine the lyrics of the up & down songs that keep us within the safe boundaries of being happy and holding the line against grief at all costs. Reread the lyrics of the 5 grief escape hatches to drive the feel-good dagger into grief one more time.
"And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.” ~ Louis Armstrong
HEAR - Listen to the pulse of a happy healthy heartbeat. Feelings of happiness that crescendo from "I feel good" and know how to beat grief back to "I feel incredible" with nothing to lose and everything to gain. A content state of mind that fluctuates between burning passion & unconditional love to peaceful serenity & happy tranquility.
FEEL - Experience the tranquil power of experiencing a happy state of mind. A safe harbor of emotions knowing you are only human and finally free from grief. There is no fear. No regrets. No worries. You now function with a grief safety net below you.
You literally land in a happy place where you finally get to enjoy each moment like it is your last. You get to experience what it feels like accepting the fact that when the final chapter is written... you will go down with this happiness ship without any fear of the unknown (all those years of practice venturing into the unknown unafraid will definitely pay off in the end). You go out peacefully excited to venture into the unknown one last time clinging to the love you shared, embracing your undying faith that carries you through anything, having lived your life with a passion that burns into your soul and the compassion you showed to humanity... pounding like a bass drum in your heart. Your body might be failing but your passionate spirit will live forever.